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Building relationships in the age of AI: What you need to know

Written by bkamm | Aug 20, 2024 3:10:44 PM

By: Brendan Kamm

Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept; it's here, and it's becoming a significant part of our lives—both personal and professional. Seventy-three percent of US companies have already adopted AI in at least some areas of their business, with generative AI (GenAI) leading the charge. 

As AI and automation become even more prevalent, they're also starting to shape our human interactions. Automated emails and chatbots are now two of the most common uses of AI in everyday business communications.

But here's the critical point: when it comes to building business relationships, we have to be cautious with AI. Technology can streamline processes and make our lives easier, but it can't replicate the depth and authenticity of human connections. 

When people are bombarded with AI-generated communications, interactions turn purely transactional. And as we become more transactional, we lose the humanity, depth, and longevity of business connections, putting loyalty and business development at risk.

The fact is, you can't "automate-away" building relationships because making meaningful connections is inherently human. We need to better navigate the complexities of AI-enhanced business communication to foster more meaningful and enduring relationships that drive business impact. This means balancing new AI technology with proven relationship-building strategies.

AI isn't all bad news for building relationships. There are several ways it can make a positive impact:

  • AI can drastically cut down on time spent on non-customer-related tasks, allowing employees to focus on relationship-building.
  • Custom AI models for your brand can ensure consistent communication and help team members provide clear, detailed instructions.
  • AI can be a game-changer for sales, marketing, and customer success research by analyzing 10K reports and industry trends, helping reps be more prepared and in tune with their prospects' concerns and goals.
  • Experimenting with different AI tools and prompts can lead to more effective outputs and a deeper understanding of how to leverage these technologies for various tasks.
Using multi-modal AI models to analyze multiple sources can offer comprehensive industry insights, which are invaluable for sales and strategy.

But let's be clear: AI cannot replace the process of building business relationships human to human. It's never been more important to make people feel seen, valued, appreciated, and respected. 

Active and empathetic listening is key. Practicing active listening when speaking with others helps build stronger relationships by enabling you to pick up on nuances and get to know the prospect or client on a more personal level. The more you learn about a person, the more you can create enduring connections and build trust throughout your relationship.

In-person time is also crucial. Over Zoom or other virtual platforms, you lose body language cues and other important bonding moments. Research shows there’s a lack of engagement and connection in virtual meetings, so there's always going to be more of a disconnect compared to meeting in person. Even one in-person meeting can help establish a stronger, more authentic business relationship. And finding a reason to connect outside of work can create a shared experience, making the relationship less transactional.

Expressing gratitude with a personal touch is another critical aspect to building lasting business relationships, and where your active listening comes into play. Sending something small and personal that shows you appreciate someone’s time can go a long way. As the relationship progresses, continue to show you care by celebrating your client's life changes, important dates and milestones, and their hobbies and interests.

At the end of the day, tools and technology will continue to evolve, but business remains centered around people and your relationships with them. Embrace the advantages AI offers, but don't let it replace human connection and interactions. Showing a little gratitude along the way can make the biggest impact of all.

Learn more about how building relationships with gratitude can fuel business success.