Thnks Gratitude In Business Awards™ Past Winners

Every year,  in honor of World Gratitude Day, Thnks commends those who contribute to enhancing our workplaces through the Thnks Gratitude In Business Awards.™

Learn more about the past Thnks Gratitude in Business Awards winners and finalists, and nominate for the 2024 awards here.

Congratulations to the winner of the 2023 Thnks Gratitude in Business Awards, Lisa Gonzales!

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Lisa Gonzales, Area Manager at Sportclips

"Lisa cares about everyone and everyone's success, she works hard to have a balance between her military family life and work life but is always available anytime a team member needs her, she always answers the call. Lisa not only acts as a leader, but also as a friend, a counselor, and problem solver- whether for business or someone's personal challenges. Lisa has also taken money out of her personal account to show appreciation for her team members without letting anyone know she does this. She has a genuine concern for over 75 employees in 8 stores, some of which are over 5 hours away from her."

How does gratitude help you be more successful in your business life?

"Gratitude helps me boost culture and motivation in my team because they feel seen for their hard work and dedication. This helps build trust. I believe a positive work environment leads to growth because my team feels appreciated and valued. I genuinely appreciate being a leader within SportClips, I find purpose in my work."

2023 Thnks Gratitude in Business Awards Finalists

Thomas Ma


2022 Thnks Gratitude in Business Award Winner

Congratulations to Christopher Roy, the principal at Sunrise Elementary, who was the winner of the 2022 Thnks Gratitude in Business Award.

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“Mr. Roy was instrumental when our city lost power and his school was named a cooling station. Although not required, he spent hours at the cooling station assisting the city with making sure people and their pets were comfortable and had the resources they needed. At this time, he was also responsible for determining damage to his school, notifying his staff and the District office, and managing his personal life in the aftermath of the storm.”