Send Gratitude to Your Business Contacts with Thnks
To Anyone.
Via Text or Email.

To Anyone.
Via Text or Email.
People like to do business with people they like, and everyone likes someone who appreciates them.
Keep current customers happy and engaged by recognizing them at special and deserving moments
Use Thnks to elevate your brand awareness and reputation, secure partnerships, and engage during big events by building a powerful brand image around gratitude.
Send your clients, colleagues or prospects an unexpected gesture of gratitude to not only make them feel
appreciated, but ultimately help drive more business.
Browse our list of thousands of curated items to find something truly thoughtful. For the prospective client who is always busy try a week of coffee, or perhaps an Uber ride for your top client on a rainy morning.
Select your recipients. Whether it’s a Thnks to 1 or to 100 we have you covered with a simple, fast solution to show your appreciation.
Your recipient can instantly accept their Thnks or choose to donate the value to charity if they don’t want or can’t accept their gift.
While sending a Thnks is a rewarding experience, receiving a Thnks is pretty awesome too. Everybody likes to feel appreciated! Maybe you’re here because somebody sent you a Thnks… if not, here’s what the recipient experience is like: